behind the brand

Our Founder

Katini Skin was founded by Katini Yamaoka. Katini’s cultural heritage and upbringing is interwoven through Japan, Africa and Australia. Raised plant-based from birth, and educated at a neo-humanistic school, Katini was gifted with an understanding of natural healing from a very young age. Going from the dense Australian rainforest to the cosmopolitan metropolis of New York as a working artist has given Katini an intrinsic understanding of wellness and design.

Katini’s dedication to her artistry has allowed her to travel the world performing for organizations such as Forbes 30 Under 30 to the United Nations Australia. Katini resides in New York and is dedicated to representing empowerment through her voice and platform.

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Our Mission

Katini Skin is committed to a responsible and sustainable path. Nature provides, so we have to protect and support the natural world with ethical best practices. We choose suppliers based on their sustainability credentials, that are fair-trade certified, vegan and cruelty free. We seek wild harvested ingredients whenever possible.

Katini Skin is deeply committed to positively impacting the natural world and considers every step must be carefully placed, from sourcing, production and packaging, to ensure we have a sustainable strategy. Katini Skin is also a committed partner of Black Progress Matters.

About Black Progress Matters

Katini Skin has received initial funding from the Black Progress Matters Black-Owned Business Incubator Program. Black Progress Resources’ core mission is to change the color of leadership in organizations worldwide through its various executive staffing activities. BPM is built on the premise that if BPM can secure the opportunity to fill an executive opening for an organization with the best candidate [who is a person of color], BPM will begin to change the color of the executive suite while enhancing the aspiration of everyone of color within the organization.

BPM also provides for executive-level internships for students from historically Black colleges and other Black sources, Black business representation, and an ambitious incubator program for the development and funding of Black-owned start-ups. Developing successful Black ownership is an essential component of BPM’s core mission to change the color of the executive suite and ownership of organizations worldwide.

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